
How do you live your life in disguise? 

Do you spend a lot of time Doing, to Be who you want to be?

Many of us feel that we need to be Doing in order to Be who we are.  We are who we are whether or not we are Doing anything.  

Many of us ‘do’ in order to be the person that we want to be.  

The reason we think that we are not that person already is because of emotional, mental and physical pain and restrictions in our being that are skewing our view of our true nature.  It is a faulty computer program running in our system that says ‘you are not enough’, ‘you must keep doing’, ‘you must hide who you truly are otherwise you will be humiliated and hurt’.  

This is where processing comes in.

There are two main processing techniques that I use.  One is what I call the embracing technique that I learned from Lucia Rene.  The other one is called squares, developed by Leslie Temple Thurston.  These two techniques are very complimentary and easy to use once you have experienced them.

The embracing processing technique is great for dealing with emotional and physical pain.  Any time you have physical or emotional pain, you just say - ‘this pain is welcome here, this pain is seen and accepted’.  Then you follow the pain as you continue to give it your attention.  I see it as a child who needs your attention and once it has what it wants, the intensity lessens and you are more clearly able to understand what it has been trying to tell you.

All pain has a message.  What is the message in Your Pain?

We are so used to pushing away or ignoring our pain, which just shoves it more into our subconscious and gives it power to attract exactly what we don’t want into our lives.  All we have to do is give it our attention and it is able to be reintegrated back into our beings, allowing us to consciously manifest what we do want.

It is Embracing who you truly are at all levels, not hiding from it.  

The squares technique helps to clear layers of your ego and mental body by identifying subconscious desires and fears.  You can learn more about squares here or schedule a session with me.

Disguises allow us to hide our pain.  How often do you find yourself saying that you are fine, that you don’t need anything?  How often do you feel like you need to show others that you are strong and happy?  Every time we do this when we don’t feel it, we are denying who we truly are and are donning a disguise.

We are still holding up our disguises because we have had to protect ourselves for so many years and lifetimes.  We must turn and face our protective devices and thank them for all of their hard work and allow them to fall away.  

In this time we are supported and safe to show our true faces and allow our being to be more important than our doing.


Toddlers, Trust and Teens